Image to Image batch converter

ImagesTool converts your Image to Image online & free. In addition, you can adjust the quality of the output images, adjust the size, add watermarks, crop, set the background, and other options.Supports 72 image formats for inputandSupports output of 29 image formats

Local Run
  • Free and safe

    100% free, no file limit. Use browser technology to convert formats, and the imported files are always on your device and will not be uploaded, protecting your privacy to the greatest extent.

  • Easy use

    Just import your Image file and click the “Start” button. ImagesTool converter provides professional conversion parameter settings, you can modify image size, padding, background and image quality, etc.

  • Best quality

    We use original software to ensure our conversions are of the highest quality and extraordinary conversion speed

  • Good compatibility

    ImagesTool - Image to Image converter can run in mainstream browsers and supports mobile phones or tablets. Please give priority to using Chrome browser or browser with Chromium core.


How to convert Image to Other image types?

  1. Step 1
    Click the “Import File” button and select the file - Online free images converter

    Click the “Import File” button and select the file

    You can also drag in files or folders

  2. Step 2
    Make settings on the right - Online free images converter

    Make settings on the right

    Can set size, quality, background, etc.

  3. Step 3
    Click the “Start” button in the lower right corner - Online free images converter

    Click the “Start” button in the lower right corner

  4. Step 4
    Click the “Download zip” button - Online free images converter

    Click the “Download zip” button

image-converter Images Converter

Support conversion of multiple image types

Supports importing more than 72 image formats and supporting exporting more than 26 image formats

Import file formats

  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • png
  • gif
  • webp
  • avif
  • ico
  • bmp
  • svg
  • heic
  • heif
Large documents
  • pdf
  • psd
  • psb
  • hdr
  • tif
  • tiff
Camera raw format
  • CR2
  • RW2
  • NEF
  • ARW
  • SR2
  • ORF
  • PEF
  • RAF
  • SRW
  • MRW
  • DCR
  • DNG
  • ERF
  • 3FR
  • ARI
  • SRF
  • bay
  • crw
  • cap
  • iiq
  • eip
  • dcs
  • drf
  • k25
  • kdc
  • FFF
  • MEF
  • MOS
  • NRW
  • PTX
  • PXN
  • R3D
  • rwl
  • rwz
  • X3F
  • MDC
  • xcf
  • miff
  • dcm
  • xpm
  • pcx
  • fits
  • ppm
  • pgm
  • pfm
  • mng
  • dds
  • otb
  • ps
  • epdf
  • djvu
  • jpe
  • jfif
  • jfi
  • jif

Export file formats

  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • png
  • png8
  • webp
  • avif
  • svg
  • ico
  • gif
  • bmp
Large documents
  • pdf
  • psd
  • psb
  • hdr
  • tiff
  • tif
  • xcf
  • miff
  • dcm
  • xpm
  • pcx
  • fits
  • ppm
  • pgm
  • pfm
  • mng
  • dds
  • otb
  • am_gif
  • am_webp
  • am_png

JPG - Advanced options for image conversion

If you only want to convert the image format, there is no need to modify the conversion options, just keep the default.

  • Custom

    The image quality of jpg can be adjusted. The higher the value, the higher the quality. The default value is 100.

    After wasm is turned on, the mozjpeg algorithm is used to compress jpg images, which provides a stronger compression effect, but the conversion speed will be slower. For example, the following image CentralPark.jpg Quality 100 The conversion time is 0.07 s (1.1MB) when wasm is turned off, and 0.82 s (862.7KB) when wasm is turned on.

    Test image information: CentralPark.jpg 2048x490px / 823.9KB

    Image Source : Central_Park_Summer.JPG
    Quality 100 Quality 90 Quality 80 Quality 60 Quality 40 Quality 20 Quality 1
    jpg-quality-100 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-90 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-80 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-60 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-40 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-20 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-1 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-wasm-100 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-wasm-90 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-wasm-80 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-wasm-60 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-wasm-40 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-wasm-20 Images Converter
    jpg-quality-wasm-1 Images Converter
    Quality 100 wasmQuality 90 wasmQuality 80 wasmQuality 60 wasmQuality 40 wasmQuality 20 wasmQuality 1 wasm

  • Optimal

    Automatically set wasm to start, and set the quality parameter to 90 to convert jpg, so that the output jpg image quality and image file size achieve the best balance.

  • Lossless

    Automatically set the quality parameter to 100 to convert jpg so that the output jpg image does not lose any image details.

    Theoretically, each time you save a JPG, the image quality will be partially lost. However, in actual conversion tests, it was found that after 10 conversions with a quality of 100, there was no obvious loss in the image quality of the JPG image. For ease of understanding, I named it 'lossless'.

PNG - Advanced options for image conversion

If you only want to convert the image format, there is no need to modify the conversion options, just keep the default.

  • Lossless

    The most common PNG format provides the highest image quality and preserves all the details of the image.

  • Compression

    Lossy compression of png images

    1. 256 C

      Compress PNG by limiting the number of colors in PNG and controlling the number of colors in PNG within 256.

    2. 256 6000

      Compress PNG by limiting the number of colors in PNG and controlling the number of colors in PNG within 6000.

    3. Tinypng Recommend

      Provides a compression algorithm similar to Tinypng, which has a very good compression effect, providing natural color gradients and supporting transparent/translucent features of the alpha channel. After compression, the image quality will be slightly reduced (almost unrecognizable to the naked eye), and the file size of the image will be greatly reduced, which can reduce the size of the png file by about 50-80%.

      The following is the Tinypng test data (using Apple mac m1):

      Before : 1918x1731px /4.2MB -> After : 1918x1731px / 1.4MB (-68%) Time : 1.85 s

      png compression Images Converter

      Before: 2048x2048px px /984,4KB -> After : 2048x2048px / 731.1KB (-26%) Time : 2.83 s Image Source:

      2 Images Converter
  • Fixed Color png

    The number of colors of the custom PNG image ranges from 1 to 30000.

Choose the right png compression method

Usually, using Tinypng compression can achieve a relatively ideal compression effect. However, the following png compression test table shows that in some cases, such as illustrations with multiple gradient colors and png images with solid color blocks, Tinypng will have a more obvious grainy feeling. In this case, you can use 6000c to compress png to retain the smooth gradient effect.

In short, for common PNG material images, please use Tingpng, and for colorful illustration PNG, use 6000c or set the number of colors in the fixed color to achieve the best compression effect.

Comparison data of png compression methods of various :

Compression method Tree png

Original image



tree-or Images Converter


1.4MB (-68%)

Time : 1.86 s
tree-tiny Images Converter

256 C

1.4MB (-68%)

Time : 1.31 s
tree-256c Images Converter

6000 C

3.8MB (-11%)

Time : 3.83 s
tree-6000c Images Converter

Fixed Color 10

414.4KB (-91%)

Time : 0.88 s
tree-diy-10 Images Converter
Compression method Gradient colour png
Image Source: File:Color_circle_(RGB).png

Original image



palette-or Images Converter


731.1KB (-26%)

Time : 2.83 s
palette-tiny Images Converter

256 C

93.8KB (-91%)

Time : 1.25 s
palette-256c Images Converter

6000 C

447.9KB (-55%)

Time : 2.0 s
palette-6000c Images Converter

Fixed Color 10

30.0KB (-97%)

Time : 0.8 s
palette-diy-10 Images Converter
Compression method data2 hero earth spirit png
Image Source: earth_spirit.png

Original image



hero-or Images Converter


374.3KB (-75%)

Time : 1.43 s
hero-tiny Images Converter

256 C

234.3KB (-85%)

Time : 0.76 s
hero-256c Images Converter

6000 C

878.6KB (-42%)

Time : 1.69 s
hero-6000c Images Converter

Fiexd Color 10

70.9KB (-96%)

Time : 0.47 s
hero-diy-10 Images Converter
Compression method earth spirit png
Image Source: Earth (blank).png

Original image

2953×2953 px

2.9 MB

earth-or Images Converter


977.9KB (-67%)

Time : 2.25 s
earth-tiny Images Converter

256 C

861.1KB (-71%)

Time : 1.50 s
earth-256c Images Converter

6000 C

2.9MB (-7%)

Time : 3.29 s
earth-6000c Images Converter

Fiexd Color 10

248.6KB (-92%)

Time : 1.13 s
earth-diy-10 Images Converter

WEBP - Advanced options for image conversion

If you only want to convert the image format, there is no need to modify the conversion options, just keep the default.

This is webp refers to a still frame/non-animated webp, if you need to convert webp animation, please use
Convert WEBP animation

  • Custom

    The image quality of webp can be adjusted. The higher the value, the higher the quality. The default value is 100.

    After turning on wasm, use the webp algorithm to compress webp images, which provides similar compression effects, but the conversion speed will be much slower.

    For example, the following image CentralPark.jpg, with a quality of 100, takes 0.15 s (1.4MB) to convert with wasm turned off, and 1.04 s (1.3MB) to convert with wasm turned on. It can be said that there is not much difference between the two, which is different from the wasm situation of jpg, which generally does not need to be turned on.

    Test image information:CentralPark.jpg 2048x490px / 823.9KB

    Image Source : Central_Park_Summer.JPG
    Quality 100 Quality 90 Quality 80 Quality 60 Quality 40 Quality 20 Quality 1
    webp-quality-90 Images Converter
    webp-quality-80 Images Converter
    webp-quality-60 Images Converter
    webp-quality-40 Images Converter
    webp-quality-20 Images Converter
    webp-quality-1 Images Converter
    webp-quality-wasm-100 Images Converter
    webp-quality-wasm-90 Images Converter
    webp-quality-wasm-80 Images Converter
    webp-quality-wasm-60 Images Converter
    webp-quality-wasm-40 Images Converter
    webp-quality-wasm-20 Images Converter
    webp-quality-wasm-1 Images Converter
    Quality 100 wasmQuality 90 wasmQuality 80 wasmQuality 60 wasmQuality 40 wasmQuality 20 wasmQuality 1 wasm

  • Optimal

    Automatically set wasm to start, and set the quality parameter to 90 to convert webp, so that the output webp image quality and image file size achieve the best balance.

  • Lossless

    Automatically set the quality parameter to 100 to convert webp so that the output webp image does not lose any image details.

    It is highly recommended to use lossless webp to compress pixel-style images, the compression effect is very good.
    From the following test table, we can see that converting png and gif format pixel art images into lossless webp can reduce the image file size by about 30-60%.

    Example AExample B
    gif to webp
    webp-lossless-1-1 Images Converter
    webp-lossless-2-1 Images Converter
    png to webp
    webp-lossless-1-2 Images Converter
    webp-lossless-2-2 Images Converter

PDF - Advanced options for image conversion

Convert other image types into PDF documents, support modifying PDF image quality and size, and support setting passwords.

  • PDF Quality

    The principle of the pdf converter of is to convert other formats into jpg and then make it into pdf. You can set the image quality of the pdf from 1 to 100. The higher the value, the higher the image quality. After turning on wasm, the mozjpeg algorithm is used.

  • model

    Supports many-to-one or one-to-one mode.

    Merge all files into 1 PDF

    Sort all the images in the file list to generate a PDF file. After selecting this mode, you can drag the files to change the file order.

    5 Image, 15.7 MB
    Image Source : 01.png02.jpg03.jpg04.jpg05.jpg
    1 PDF, 41.2KB , 72 Quality wasm , auto size
    open image-to-pdf.PDF
    image-to-pdf-before Images Converter
    image-to-pdf-after Images Converter

    Convert each file into PDF

    Convert each file in the file list to a pdf file.

  • PDF Page size

    Original image

    Set the pdf size according to the image size before conversion


    Set the width and height of the PDF. The default unit is millimeter (mm). Other units are supported: inch (inch), centimeter (cm), pixel (px), point (pt), pc, em, ex

AVIF - Advanced options for image conversion

If you only want to convert the image format, there is no need to modify the conversion options, just keep the default.

  • Custom


    The image quality of avif can be adjusted. The higher the value, the higher the quality. The default value is 86.

    Test image information:CentralPark.jpg 2048x490px / 823.9KB

    Compression strength: 4。

    Image Source : Central_Park_Summer.JPG
    Quality100 Strength 4Quality90 Strength 4Quality80 Strength 4Quality60 Strength 4Quality40 Strength 4Quality20 Strength 4Quality1 Strength 4
    avif-quality-100 Images Converter
    avif-quality-90 Images Converter
    avif-quality-80 Images Converter
    avif-quality-60 Images Converter
    avif-quality-40 Images Converter
    avif-quality-20 Images Converter
    avif-quality-1 Images Converter

    Compression strength

    You can adjust the compression quality, ranging from 1 to 8. The higher the value, the better the compression effect, but also the longer it takes. The default value is 4.

    We recommend using 4 to strike a balance between compression efficiency and time consumption.

    From the lowest 1 to the highest 8, there are obvious differences in processing speed, you can learn more about it through the avif compression strength test table below.

    Quality86, Strength : 1-8

    Image Source : Central_Park_Summer.JPG
    Strength 1 0.9 sStrength 2 1.5 sStrength 3 2 sStrength 4 1.47 sStrength 5 1.48 sStrength 6 6.70 sStrength 7 8.37 sStrength 8 20 s
    avif-strength-1 Images Converter
    avif-strength-2 Images Converter
    avif-strength-3 Images Converter
    avif-strength-4 Images Converter
    avif-strength-5 Images Converter
    avif-strength-6 Images Converter
    avif-strength-7 Images Converter
    avif-strength-8 Images Converter

  • Optimal

    Automatically set the image quality to 90 and the compression strength to 4 to convert avif, so that the output avif image quality and image file size achieve the best balance.

  • Lossless

    Automatically set the image quality to 100 and the compression strength to 4 to convert avif, so that the output avif picture retains all image details.

SVG - Advanced options for image conversion

Convert bitmap images to SVG vector images, providing multiple options to choose from

  • Illustration

    Illustrations and pixel art

    Original image png 2.0MBDefault svg 3.1MB Photo - Color Blocks svg 1.0MB Photo - Pixel svg 656KB Photo - Reality svg 6.0MB Illustration-01 svg 2.3MB
    image to svg - Original image Images Converterimage to svg - Original image Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Default Images Converterimage to svg - Default Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Photo - Color Blocks Images Converterimage to svg - Photo - Color Blocks Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Photo - Pixel Images Converterimage to svg - Photo - Pixel Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Photo - Reality Images Converterimage to svg - Photo - Reality Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Illustration 01 Images Converterimage to svg - Illustration 01 Details Images Converter
    Illustration-02 svg 2.1MB Poster svg 630KB Pixel-01 svg 2.2MB Pixel-02 svg 11.9MB Pixel-03 svg 4.1MB Draft svg 193KB
    image to svg - Illustration 02 Images Converterimage to svg - Illustration 02 Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Poster Images Converterimage to svg - Poster Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Pixel 01 Images Converterimage to svg - Pixel 01 Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Pixel 02 Images Converterimage to svg - Pixel 02 Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Pixel 03 Images Converterimage to svg - Pixel 03 Details Images Converter
    image to svg - Draft Images Converterimage to svg - Draft Details Images Converter

  • General

    More parameters can be adjusted

    svg_demo_01 Images Convertersvg_demo_02 Images Convertersvg_demo_03 Images Convertersvg_demo_04 Images Convertersvg_demo_05 Images Convertersvg_demo_06 Images Converter

  • Pixed

    Pixel Block Sampling

    Original imageNumber of samples 100Number of samples 500 Number of samples 1000 Number of samples 2000 Number of samples 5000
    svg_px_or Images Converter
    svg_px_100 Images Converter
    svg_px_500 Images Converter
    svg_px_1000 Images Converter
    svg_px_2000 Images Converter
    svg_px_5000 Images Converter

ICO - Advanced options for image conversion

Convert other images into uncompressed native ico icon files and generate transparent and colorful ico file formats.

  • General

    Create a favicon.ico file for the website icon. Provide common preset sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 96x96, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16.

    You can also click Custom size and enter any size under 256px. link rel icon

  • Embedded multiple sizes

    Make a single .ico file containing multiple image sizes and color depths for Windows programs.

    It is worth noting that if you also encounter the problem of application icons not being displayed like me, specifically, the task bar, desktop shortcut, start menu in Windows 10/11 system does not display the software icon, using 's ico converter can solve this problem well. windows .ico

Resize image advanced options

If you only want to convert the image format, there is no need to modify the conversion options, just keep the default.

  • No change

    The size of the input image and the output image remain the same.

  • Width

    Modify the width and height of the output image. Leave it blank to keep the size unchanged.

  • Height

    Modify the height and width of the output image. Leave it blank to keep the size unchanged.

  • Min & Max Width

    Modify the minimum width, minimum height, maximum width, and maximum height of the output image to control the output image size within the set range. If left blank, the size remains unchanged.

    * Min width: When the image is smaller than the minimum width, change it to the minimum width

    * Max width: When the image is larger than the maximum width, change it to the maximum width

    * At least one item needs to be filled in to take effect

    'Max width' and 'Max height' These two options are useful when converting multiple images of different sizes.

    For example, if there are a group of images with a width between 757px and 1560px, and the requirement is to set the width of images with a width greater than 1000px to 1000px, just enter 1000 in 'Max width'. This is shown in Example A in the table below.

    'Min width' and 'Min height' are only needed in rare cases. For example, if you set 'Min width' to 600px, when you input a 350px image, the 350px image will be resized to 600px, causing the image to become blurry. Please note this. If you need to enlarge the image, please use Ai Tool

    Max widthExport
    resize-max-w-2 Images Converterresize-max-w-3 Images Converter
    Max height 1250px Export
    resize-max-w-4 Images Converterresize-max-w-5 Images Converter
    Max width & Max heightExport
    resize-max-w-6 Images Converterresize-max-w-7 Images Converter

    Detect width first and then height, for example #3 (1340x2014 -> 1000x1503) If the height exceeds 1250px, modify the height again to get the final size. (1000x1503 -> 832x1250)

  • Width & Height

    You can modify both the height and width of the output image. Leave it blank to keep the size unchanged.

    1. Layout

      When both width and height are set, you can set the layout of the image, which supports cropping, full, and spreading.

      As shown in the following table, the horizontal picture is changed to a vertical picture

      Original image (1577x2374px)Crop (800x1200px)Contain (800x1200px)Fill (800x1200px)
      wh-layout-or Images Converterwh-layout-crop Images Converterwh-layout-con Images Converterwh-layout-fill Images Converter
    2. More

      Support adding Padding, Outer border, Background, Shadow and other effects

      Padding - Set the image's margins in percentage (%).

      After setting Padding, you can set the background color of the image, supporting Transparent, Solid color, Gradient color, Blur, Picture

      In addition, you can also set Shadow and border to achieve the effect of beautifying the picture through various settings.

      ShadowBackground Background colorBackground Background blurOuter borderOuter radius
      style-base-shadow Images Converterstyle-base-bg-color Images Converterstyle-base-bg-blur Images Converterstyle-base-border Images Converterstyle-base-radiu Images Converter

More edits

Provides a variety of options to modify pictures

  • Rotate & Flip

    Supports image rotation of 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees, or custom rotation of images from 0 to 360 degrees. Supports horizontal and vertical flipping of images.

  • Crop

    Enter the cropping frame parameters x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and length and width of the cropping frame to crop the image.

    Manual image cropping is also provided. Just move the mouse over the file and the cropping icon will appear. Click it to start cropping all images.

  • Extend

    To expand the size of the image, you need to enter the top, bottom, left and right extension data. The default unit is px, and you can also choose a percentage (%) of the image width.

    The enlarged area is white by default and supports custom colors or gradient colors.


    450 x 336px

    extend-before Images Converter

    522 x 472px

    Extended data: 36/36/36/10, completed with watermarking

    extend-after Images Converter

  • Add watermark

    Add watermarks to images. You can choose to generate text watermarks or import image watermarks. Multiple watermarks are supported.

    1. Text watermark

      You can modify the font, spacing, line height, color, opacity, rotation and other options of the text watermark.

      It supports reading all fonts on the device, or using preset 100% free fonts to avoid font copyright issues. It also supports importing font files. Font files Source: :

      watermark-demo01 Images Converterwatermark-demo02 Images Converterwatermark-demo03 Images Converter

      Watermark Layout

      It supports quickly positioning the watermark in nine positions such as the center, top, bottom, left, and right of the image. You can also customize the xy coordinates of the position.

      Supports spreading the watermark over the entire image and adjusting the spacing between watermarks.

      watermark-layout1 Images Converterwatermark-layout2 Images Converterwatermark-layout3 Images Converter


  • What are the steps to convert Other image types to Other image types file?

    • 1. Select or drag and drop Other image types files onto the tool.
    • 2. Select Other image types as the output format.
    • 3. Click the Start Button and it will usually be completed within a few seconds.
    • 3. Download the converted Other image types file.
  • Is it possible to convert Other image types to Other image types without losing quality?

    Of course, you can use this converter to convert Other image types to Other image types without losing the picture quality.
  • How to convert Other image types to Other image types online?

    Using converter you can easily convert Other image types to Other image types file format. In just a few seconds your file will be converted to Other image types as output format.
  • Can I convert multiple Other image types files to Other image types format at once?

    Of course, converter does not limit the number of conversions, you can convert multiple Other image types files to Other image types formats at the same time.
  • How long does it take to convert Other image types to Other image types file?

    The time required to convert Other image types to Other image types files is very short. Even a 50MB file is usually completed in just a few seconds.
  • How many images can be converted at the same time?

    We recommend that you import no more than 500 images at a time. If you import pdf/heic/psd/tiff, you should import no more than 50 images. The total file size should not exceed 1GB. This is the recommendation given after testing on my device (Apple Macbook M1). The actual situation depends on the performance of the device you use. You can use my device as a reference.
  • Can I crop the image before converting it?

    Yes, move the mouse over the file and a crop icon will appear. Click this icon to start cropping. In addition, when the cropping interface appears, you can check 'Crop all pictures at the same time' on the right, and finally click the crop button to crop all the imported pictures.

    Crop the image before conversion Images Converter
  • Can I import folders?

    Yes, you can click the folder icon on the right side of the 'Import button' and select the folder you want, or drag the folder into the page. 'Drag folder here' will appear at the top of the interface. Move the mouse to this point and release the left mouse button. Only one folder can be imported at a time.
  • Can the structure of an imported folder remain the same after conversion?

    Yes, all sub-files and sub-folders in the folder are still in their original locations, and there is no limit on the number of folder levels.
  • Can I preview the converted images before converting?

    Yes, there is an arrow icon in the middle of the left side of the option box. Click it to preview the converted result.

    Preview the converted image Images Converter is an online free batch image tool with no uploading, fast speed and privacy protection

We have a range of online Image tools that increase productivity and save time

  • Run in browser
  • Fast
  • Free
  • Batch processing